Chalk Board $7.99 @ Hobby Lobby with coupon $4.80
Wood Crown 65cents @ Hobby Lobby
Paper $7 @ Hobby Lobby (the glitter cardstock is 1.99 eh so go when they are doing 50% I didn't want to wait so I paid full price. if waited would of been $3.50
Chalk Holder:
Bucket $1.99 @ Hobby Lobby with Coupon $1.29
Wood 2pk $2.99 @ Hobby Lobby Coupon $1.80
Knob $4.99 @ Hobby Lobby Coupon $3.00 mine was 50% so it was $2.49
Hobby Lobby always has a 40% off coupon on there phone app or website to print. so never go with out a coupon. and make sure to check there adds because sometimes there adds are better then there coupons.
So First I hot glued the crown on the corner of the chalk board.
Then I place paper down and tape it all the way around and spray painted the edges.
To make the garland all you need to do is cut the paper in to triangles and use a hole punch
and make two holes on the two top corners
then you thread your ribbon through the holes.
you can have your ribbon show on top of the paper like the pictures
or you can thread it by putting it behind the paper
Then you just put a tack in the top corners and tie your ribbon around them to hold the garland.
and I had these black stickers laying around so I put her name on it.
and your done :)
spray paint the wood
Drill a hole in the middle or where you want the knob at
screw the knob on
you can see I have a grab between the knob and wood. well I have no idea how to cut the screw off in the back. (So if you do please leave a comment on how to)
so I just screwed it on till the nut fits on the back
and just place the bucket on the knob. it fits perfectly in-between the grab so you cant really till there was a grab