
Thursday, August 28, 2014

How to add a high waistband to a mini stretchy skirt to add length

Tutorial to add a wider Waistband
 I got this Marvel Comic skirt at Forever 21, But it was a little to short for my taste.
I decided to add some length to it, First I thought about adding fabric to the bottom of the skirt but I wasn't sure if it would look good, so I decided to add length to the top since my shirt will cover it anyways.

What you will need:
Knit Fabric (stretchy)
3/4 in knit Elastic
Matching Thread
Sewing Machine
Serger (optional)
Sewing - Unpicker
(If you don't have a Serger you can just use the number 3 stich shown below on your sewing machine you will have a raw edge but with this fabric it wont matter because it wont fray.)
Step One: I Unpicked the Waistband (make sure not to cut your fabric)
 Since the elastic was serged I just cut the sergerd part off.
 Step Two: Cut your fabric to the length that you want.
I did mine 9 inched high and the width as long as the waistband and added a 1/2 inch to serge.
Step Three: Serge the side up so you have a circle when you open it.
Step Four: pin the fabric right sides together so you can see the raw seams.

             Serge the edges together so their connected.            

Step Five: wrap your elastic around your waist make sure its a little snug and add a inch and cut.
Sew the two edged together over lapping them by a 1/2 inch.

Fold Elastic in half and pin the folded ends and then fold it so the two pins are together and pin the edges again so you have 4 pins so you know where your back front and two sides are.

Pin your back pin onto the middle of your back of your skirt and do the same for your front and your two sides then pull the elastic and pin in between the back and side pin and front and side pins. so all together you should have 8 pins.

 Serge all the way around.
Step Six: turn the elastic inwards and pin (so your elastic isn't showing)

Then Sew all the way around following your serge line. I did it two times they were a cm apart.
--- I forgot to do this so I'm going to have to unpick mine, Because right when I tired to pull the skirt over my Butt the thread broke LOL, but make sure to use a stitch on your sewing machine made for Stretchy Fabrics.

=====>>>> The stitch looks like number 3 picture below.

And your all done!

I cant wait to wear it around town!

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